
Puppy and Dog Training classes in Watford, Herts and surrounding area with Jane Lovatt

Classes held at :- St Mary’s Church Centre, High Street,  Watford.  WD18 0EG  07914 909280

New Puppy Class starting Thurs 7th Nov (Thursdays 7/14/21/28 Nov 6.30 – 7.25pm) please contact me for more info and to book.

Also 1-2-1 home training also available.  Please contact me if interested.  Thank you. Jane 07914 909280  jane.lovatt@hotmail.co.uk

Puppy Classes for pups UNDER 20 weeks at the start of the course,  4 week course is £110,  small groups,  6.30pm on Thursday evenings at St Mary’s WD18 0EG.   Please see Puppy Training page for more info and to book. 

1-2-1 HOME TRAINING VISIT NOW AVAILABLE any age pup / dog £70 for an hour visit in the Watford area.  Please contact Jane to book  jane.lovatt@hotmail.co.uk  07914 909280.  Thank you. 

To book pls call Jane on 07914909280  jane.lovatt@hotmail.co.uk    

Stop your dog jumping up!  Book a 1-2-1 session now!!

Teach you new Puppy toilet training in the right place!  Book a 1-2-1 session now!!

See very quick results.  Some problem behaviours show a great improvement even  in just one visit!! 

Affordable and effective 1-2-1 Home Training visits available at a time to suit £70 per hour.

(Plus £5 travel cost may apply outside 5 mile radius)

Watford local area,  including Bushey, Rickmansworth, St Albans, Radlett, Chorleywood, Sarratt, Abbots Langley and more.

Training in your own home / garden.  Help with new puppies or older dogs – training at your own speed.  Improve behaviour e.g. jumping up,  recall,  pulling on lead,  nipping,  toilet training. Very reasonable rates – please enquire.

Time off  ?  Why not book a 1-2-1 home training visit.

Give a Gift of a 1-2-1 home training session this year to yourself /partner /friends /family /your lovely dog!!  🙂

Contact:- Jane Lovatt   jane.lovatt@hotmail.co.uk 07914 909280